Saving 100 Waves in Peru

In Peru, surfers have united to form a conservation organisation and create a legal system for protecting waves. Ley de Rompientes (Law of the Breakers) was approved by the congress in 2000 and since then, 43 waves have been protected. Hazla por tu Ola is a organisation run by ocean enthusiasts and surfers Bruno Monteferri and Carolina Butrich. They aspire to protect 100 waves by 2030. A key part of the organisation is to inspire citizens and private companies to take action for marine conservation. Once a wave is entered into the National Registry of Surf Breaks, the government can no longer grant rights for activities that may affect the waves. This also means that the marine environment is protected from destructive activities and construction, such as breakwaters, docks, piers, underwater pipelines and more. Head over to Patagonia to read Bruno’s personal account of Hazla por tu Ola’s journey from friendship to powerful alliance for the protection of the ocean.

via  Patagonia
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