WEBINAR: Turning the tide of parachute science – Oct 21 2021

Presented by: Paris Stefanoudis of the University of Oxford and Sheena Talma of the Nekton Foundation

Description: Parachute science is the practice whereby international scientists, typically from higher-income countries, conduct field studies in another country, typically of lower income, and then complete the research in their home country without any further effective communication and engagement with others from that nation. It creates dependency on external expertise, does not address local research needs, and hinders local research efforts. As global hotspots of marine biodiversity, lower-income nations in the tropics have for too long been the subject of inequitable and unfair research practices. However, to date there has been little quantifiable evidence of this phenomenon in marine science. In this webinar, we will present evidence from systematic literature searches and queries that parachute science practices are still widespread in marine research and make recommendations to help change the current status quo.

Co-sponsors: OCTO (EBM Tools Network, The Skimmer, OpenChannels, MPA News, MarineDebris.info)

For more registration follow this link.

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