Placements for undergraduate/graduate students in coral reef ecology at CRIOBE – DL 10 June

We are seeking two motivated students to conduct ocean acidification experiments on coral recruitment and competitive interactions at the CRIOBE research station ( in French Polynesia. The applicants will have the opportunity to acquire field and laboratory research skills in coral reef ecology. They will conduct coral settlement assays in response to crustose coralline algae (CCA) under different acidification conditions, study the impact of acidification on competitive interactions, and be involved in fieldwork. They will learn how to collect coral spawn, how to rear coral larvae and how to conduct acidification experiments.
One student is sought for the period of July (or August, pending upon completion of administrative formalities) to November 2018. This student will receive a monthly stipend (approximately 550 euros per month). The second student is sought for the period of mid-september to mid-november 2018 (no stipend provided). Both applicants will be required to pay for their stay at the CRIOBE station (approximately 340 euros per month, includes accommodation + use of research facilities), food, travel and diving insurance. They should also provide their own diving equipment.
Qualifications: To be eligible, the applicants MUST be already enrolled in a programme at another institution. Applicants should be certified SCUBA divers (minimum qualification: CMAS** or PADI Rescue Diver) with at least 20 logged dives. Applicants should have a classroom/laboratory background in ecology and marine biology. Experience working on coral reefs is preferred. Candidates should be physically fit, willing to work for long hours, comfortable working in and on water, fluent in English or French, and have good team and communication skills.
Interested candidates should send a motivation letter, CV, proof of student status and diving certifications to Maggy Nugues ( by June 10, 2018. Due to the short beginning date, the first position will be filled as soon as an appropriate applicant is found.
Dr. Maggy M. NUGUES
Ma?tre de conf?rences EPHE / Associate Professor
PSL Research University
Laboratoire d’Excellence ?CORAIL?
USR 3278 – Centre de Biologie et d’Ecologie Tropicale et M?diterran?enne (CBETM)
Universit? de Perpignan (UPVD) – b?timent R
58 Av. Paul Alduy – 66860 Perpignan cedex, France
Centre de Recherche Insulaire et Observatoire de l’Environnement (CRIOBE)
BP 1013 – 98 729, Papetoai, Moorea, Polyn?sie fran?aise
Tel : (33) (0)4 68 66 21 56, Fax : (33) (0)4 68 50 36 86
Lab website:
via Coral-list
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