Seaweed Aquaculture:
A promising tool for the restoration and sustainable development of coastal environments or an expensive end-of-pipe technology? (RECOVER)

Kiel, Germany 12-13 December 2019

[A foresight workshop funded by EuroMarine after its 2018 call for proposals]

Interested Participants:

There are currently limited spaces available for interested EuroMarine members to participate in the upcoming foresight workshop: RECOVER. These spots will be filled on a first-come, first-serve basis, so if you would like to apply to join, please e-mail Dr Birgit Quack (


To bring marine biogeochemists, macro-algae experts, modelers, engineers, architects and seaweed farmers together with plankton and fish ecologists and regional experts to discuss pathways towards the realisation of sustainable pilot-scale trials in three sample regions, each with unique impacts and constraints:

  • The Bight of Dakar (a heavily polluted environment with direct waste water discharge)
  • Madeira (run–off in the oligotrophic ocean)
  • The Southwest Baltic Sea (subject to eutrophication from surface runoff)

Please refer to the workshop’s EuroMarine activity page for further details on the event.


  • Dr Birgit Quack, GEOMAR Helmholtz-Zentrum für Ozeanforschung Kiel, Germany; marine biogeochemistry and chemical oceanography.
  • Dr Florian Weinberger, GEOMAR Helmholtz-Zentrum für Ozeanforschung Kiel, Germany; marine ecology and benthos ecology.

> RECOVER Activity Page
>> EuroMarine 2018 Funded Activities
>> EuroMarine 2018 Call for FWS and WG Proposals


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