Dear colleagues,
I write to bring to your attention a workshop exploring symbioses involving microbial partners and other organisms that will be the focus of Protistology UK?s December meeting ? the Microbial Symbiosis Meeting/*.* /This workshop is supported by both the Microbiology Society, and the Gordon and Betty Moore Foundation who is also co-organising the meeting with us.
This workshop coincides with the beginning of a major new funding initiative of the Moore Foundation to support research in Microbial Symbiosis in Aquatic Systems. We see this workshop as a timely and exciting opportunity to explore new questions in microbial symbiosis, in particular thinking about new approaches, strategies and technologies that we as a community can bring to this topic. Representatives from the Moore Foundation will also attend and participate, and this will be an excellent opportunity to explore potential integration within their new funding initiative.
Specifically, at this 2 half-day event we will:
  * Discuss leading-edge research on the evolution, ecology and biology     of symbioses that include microbes
  * Identify novel perspectives on symbiosis by fostering dialogue     between symbioses researchers and scientists/engineers who have not     worked on the topic but have novel disciplinary and methodological     perspectives to bring to the topic
  * Consider major unanswered questions of microbial symbiosis research,     and formulate strategies to address these questions
We contact you because you either have existing programs that address questions relevant to symbiotic interactions, or because you exploit technologies that are relevant to studying this topic. We encourage you to consider attending and/or sending relevant postdocs or postgrad students. Financial support for presenting postdocs/postgrads is available.
Registration details can be found at the link below.*Please be aware that there is a strict number limit of 60 attendees, so registration will be on a first come first basis. *
Please forward this email to other relevant researchers that you think would be interested.
Best wishes,
Ross Waller (on behalf of the organising committee)
*Thomas Krueger */Research Associate/
Waller Lab | Department of Biochemistry | University of Cambridge
*P: *+44 (0)1223 768942
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