Call for Manuscripts Marine Protected Areas (MPAs) Special Issue of Biodiversity – a Journal of Life on Earth

Parties to the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD), representing most of the Earth’s nations, have made commitments to the Strategic Plan for Biodiversity 2011-2020 and the Aichi Biodiversity Targets. Aichi Target 11 includes a commitment for ‘coastal’ nations to protect 10 percent of coastal and marine areas by 2020. This commitment was reconfirmed in 2015 by the United Nations General Assembly’s 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development under Goal 14.

With 2020 fast approaching, nations around the world with coastal and marine areas under their jurisdiction have to accelerate efforts to identify and designate marine and coastal protected areas.  Given the lack of data in most marine and coastal regions of the world, carefully selecting areas for protection is particularly challenging thereby requiring the latest and most effective technologies and approaches in protected area selection.

This double special issue of Biodiversity – a Journal of Life on Earth will focus on the science of selecting Marine Protected Areas as well as lessons learned and experiences from the establishment and management of existing marine and coastal protected areas.  It is hoped that contributions to this Special Issue will serve as useful guidance to the agencies currently leading efforts to identify and protect their own marine and coastal protected areas.

The above list is merely a guide and other related subjects to Marine Protected Areas, will also be considered. Please submit your manuscripts in Times New Roman 12 pt. By 15 December 2017 to Biodiversity’s Managing Editor, Vanessa Reid ( and send the title (even if it is a working title) of the manuscript/opinion piece/book review etc you plan to submit by 15 November 2017. This special issue will published in May/June 2018 both in print and electronic editions, available through Taylor and Francis Journals. A special board of editors will review the submitted manuscripts and publication of final papers will be subject to blind peer-review.

We also greatly encourage publication/book reviews, Forum and On the Ground pieces. An Opinion piece, as the name suggests, is the author’s personal opinion on the subject. It can be as formal or informal in style and the word count can range from 500 – 3,500 words. References are optional and it is not peer-reviewed. An On the Ground piece is a personal account from Biodiversity practitioners working in the field, sharing their experiences and insights. The word count can range from 500 – 3,500 words and references are optional.

Boodiversity – a Journal of Life on Earth is published in partnership with Taylor and Francis Journals. Please visit the Taylor and Francis website for more information on submissions, subscriptions and to purchase individual articles and special issues.

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