02 PhD Positions: Coral Reef Growth & Quantifying Eco-Geological Functions of Coral Reefs – Deadline 11 July 2022

The Asian School of the Environment and The Earth Observatory of Singapore at Nanyang Technological University (NTU) Singapore is seeking two motivated PhD students (coral reef ecology and coral reef geoscience) for fully funded projects working on coral reefs in Southeast Asia.

PhD 1: Coral Reef Growth Histories and Paleoecology in Southeast Asia

There is currently a poor understanding of reef geomorphic development and the main drivers of carbonate accumulation on Southeast Asian coral reefs which makes it difficult to assess the impact of recent environmental change. This project aims to quantify pre-human reef conditions and reef functions at sites within Southeast Asia. The PhD student will reconstruct Holocene reef growth histories and paleocoral communities using reef cores and fossil coral reefs to understand regional reef degradation.

PhD 2: Quantifying Eco-Geological Functions of Coral Reefs in Southeast Asia

Human activities within The Coral Triangle have altered coral populations and their environments from those that originally formed reefs. This project aims to collect field data on coral reef carbonate production and erosion, and environmental conditions across sites with varying human disturbances. The PhD student will improve our understanding of coral reef ecosystems and the impacts human activities are having on coral reef calcification, three-dimensional reef structure and wave protection capacity across the region.

Applicants should have the following: Bachelor’s degree with First or Upper Second Class Honors degree or MSc in Marine Science/Geoscience/Biology/Ecology; Tropical marine fieldwork experience (SCUBA experience essential); Strong writing and communication skills; Basic laboratory experience

The projects will involve several periods of overseas fieldwork in Southeast Asia for data collection.

To apply please send a CV with two academic references (requests will be made if you are shortlisted), a letter explaining your relevant experience and reasons for wanting to undertake the PhD project (1 page max), and full university transcripts in a single PDF file to Asst. Prof. Kyle Morgan (kmorgan@ntu.edu.sg).

Application deadline is Monday 11th July 2022 for shortlisting. PhD start date is January 2023

For more information please feel free to contact Prof. Kyle Morgan (kmorgan@ntu.edu.sg).

via NTU
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