Towards a European Blue Deal – 17 April 2024

This conference will follow on from the event ‘Surfing the waves towards a bright maritime future for Europe’ organised by my colleague MEP Pierre Karleskind in the morning, from 9am to 11:30am, as part of a special day dedicated to the maritime sector.

As you well know, not only the functioning of our societies, but also our lives on earth, are deeply dependent on the health of the ocean. As the world’s largest maritime area, the European Union could implement a true European Ocean Deal, following on from the European Green Deal, by making the sea a central issue in the future. It is this vision that I would like to share at this final conference at the European Parliament

The conference will take place on Wednesday 17th April 2024, from 4.30pm, at the European Parliament in Brussels in room Spaak 4B1, and will be followed by a cocktail reception from 7pm to 8pm.

It will aim to provide an overview of the challenges linked to the maritime environment that need to be addressed as a priority during the next term of the European Parliament.

Discussions will be structured around three roundtables focusing on the regeneration of the ocean for coastal communities, the promotion of a regenerative and sustainable blue economy, and on the EU’s positioning on the international stage with regard to ocean diplomacy, knowledge and governance.

This conference is organised together with Europe Jacques Delors, as part of their work on a European Ocean Deal Manifesto, to which I am associated, as well as with the Oceano Azul Foundation.

If you would like to participate, please register via the link before Tuesday 9th April 2024 (places are limited).

via  SEArica
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