Funding opportunity for research on corals – CAP 23 from CORDAP

We risk losing 75% to 90% of the remaining coral reefs. Our window of opportunity for saving corals is rapidly closing and we need innovative technical solutions and large scale wide interventions. The G20 Coral Research & Development Accelerator Platform (CORDAP) has launched its second funded call for proposals to make an impact in filling the gap between current and required capabilities to save the corals.  

Building on a very competitive and successful call in 2022, the Coral Accelerator Program (CAP) 2023 will again fund an estimated USD $18 million to international collaborative teams with impactful ideas in coral conservation and restoration. Selected projects will receive funding based on the expectation that their proposal will quickly lead to significant discoveries, innovations and improvements in current tropical coral reefs and cold-water coral protection and restoration.

CORDAP encourages teams with ideas and concepts that transcend different disciplines and fields to participate. Eligible organizations include not-for-profit organizations, for-profit organizations, higher education institutions, research institutes, and government organizations in any country. Each application must consist of organizations from at least two countries, one of which must be a low or middle-income country.

Successful applicants will be awarded funding up to USD$ 1.5 million per project, lasting from one to three years. The deadline for Concept Note Submissions is November 10, 2023, at 17:00 UTC. Q&A webinars will be held on September 28th.

Visit CORDAP’s website to learn more about CAP 2023, information webinars, and apply for funding.

Stay tuned and follow G20 CORDAP on LinkedIn, X (Twitter) and Instagram.

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