*Research Associate II:Â $53,900 per year for a minimum duration of 2 years*
The University of Miami, in collaboration with the National Oceanic and
Atmospheric Administration, is seeking a full-time bioinformatician to
conduct analysis of metagenomic and metatranscriptomic
Next-Generation-Sequencing data from marine ecosystems. The Cooperative
Institute for Marine and Atmospheric Studies (CIMAS) of the University
of Miami invites applications for a Research Associate II position in
Bioinformatics to work closely with scientists at NOAA?s Atlantic
Oceanographic and Meteorological Laboratory?s Ocean Chemistry and
Ecosystems Division (AOML/OCED), located at 4301 Rickenbacker Causeway,
Miami, FL 33149. (
This bioinformatics research works with large-scale microbial omics
datasets to study the biodiversity and interactions of microbes in
marine ecosystems across organizational scales and their roles in
ecosystem function and in diseases of marine organisms and communities.
This bioinformatics research also works with large-scale eukaryotic
omics datasets, especially of coral communities, investigating genomic
aspects of coral reef health, resiliency, and adaptation to
environmental changes such as sea level rise, climate change, ocean
acidification, and exposure to pollutants. The primary tasks of the
bioinformatician will include data analysis, such as metagenomic
assembly, binning, annotation, mapping and comparisons of
metatranscriptomes; development and maintenance of bioinformatics
pipelines; development and maintenance of databases for microbiome and
coral omics data. Responsibilities will also include the training of
postdoctoral researchers, staff, graduate and undergraduate students in
high-performance computing, programming, and bioinformatics
applications. The successful candidate for this position will conduct a
wide range of bioinformatic analysis of community DNA and RNA sequence
data collected from corals (holobiont – tissue, zooxanthella, and
microbiome) and environmental (e.g., seawater) samples. The appointee
will distill and compare large sequence data sets to provide comparative
metagenomic and metatranscriptomic analysis for both microbiome and
eukaryotic (coral) sequences, including assessments relative to
environmental metadata.
Qualified candidates must hold a minimum of a bachelor?s degree in
bioinformatics, data science, computer science, biology, or a related
field with a required 2-3 years of relevant experience in bioinformatics
analysis of environmental next-generation-sequencing data. Experience
with Linux command line, scripting languages (Perl, Python, R, Bash,
etc.), expertise with bioinformatics portals and software, web
development languages and proper bioinformatic/software documentation is
needed. Preference will be given towards candidates with a doctoral
degree in relevant discipline and demonstrated relevant expertise in
next-generation-sequencing bioinformatics analysis. Proficiency and
prior experience with bioinformatics of environmental metagenomic,
metatranscriptomic, and coral holobiont community sequence datasets is
highly desired.
Apply online at: <>. A
statement of interest, Curriculum Vitae and contact information for 2
persons who can provide letters of recommendation are required.
*APPLY at ***
<,>*_,_**Postion #: **position P100014223***
The University of Miami is an equal opportunity/affirmative action
employer; smoke/drug free workplace.
Salary is $53,900 per year (including benefits) for two years. Position
may be extended longer than 2 years depending on the availability of
additional funding and demonstrated good performance of the appointee.
For further information candidates should contact Dr. Christopher
Sinigalliano (